The EMLPlatform network enhances emergency management readiness with immediate access to updated product and service vendor lists to improve emergency preparedness, coverage, and recovery.
Membership in the EMLPlatform saves emergency management organizations time and money by providing a centralized logistics tool that reduces administration work and enables them to quickly search for, request, and access resources, during preparedness, response, and recovery, from across Canada.

This is Canada’s FIRST and ONLY online emergency management logistics platform that connects businesses and community organizations to emergency management efforts using a three pillar – whole of society – approach.
EMLCanada provides access to verified resources in one place resulting in improved efficiencies in Canada’s supply chain and empowers EMOs to respond to crises with confidence.
The EMLPlaform’s robust and powerful search engine enables local vendors the ability to expand their business reach and access target emergency management markets across the country.

Through the development of the EMLPlatform, EMLCanada creates a community of practice that convenes the emergency management sector in one place and builds an interconnected network that can learn and collaborate together before, during and after a critical event.
EMLPlatform members receive networking and learning opportunities with a monthly newsletter and regular training sessions, plus reminders to keep your profile current.

The EMPlatform is built by and for the emergency management industry.
Its functions are designed to enhance user experience for those in emergency planning and Logistics Sections, so users can easily find what they need, when they need it.
Co-founders Scott Cameron, Pauline Mousseau, and other dedicated EMLCanada team members and advisors, bring decades of Emergency Management experience and a commitment to learn from sector leaders to create a platform that truly meets the needs of those we serve.

Featured Member Benefits

Accessible Online Platform
You never know what you need until you need it, and we’ll be there.
EMLPlaform is always available and working while you’re focused on other tasks – 24/7/365.
When everyone does their part to keep their information up-to-date, we can get the right stuff at the right time.

Regularly Updated Database
Get off the perpetual treadmill of updating lists.
Let your businesses, NGO partners, agencies and networks know that you are using the EMLPlatform and delegate that responsibility to them.
You will always have access to the most current information and you can filter and download a Selected Resource Contacts List on-demand!

Establish Connections
Collaborate and share “lessons identified” from past events.
Discuss opportunities for collaboration with a neighbouring community, industry partner or NGO or simply access their current contact information, links, and profile details.

Search and Source Tool
Need a center-pivot front end loader? Or a helicopter?
We have developed the Search and Source tool – a robust search capacity and vendors can identify specific tools, equipment, and supplies.
With our platform, you can either send a request for quotation directly to one vendor or to multiple simultaneously!

Respond and Support Tool
Find the right people, products, and services by getting your information into the right hands to meet your needs.
Quickly post your current activation and note any type of support you could use using the Respond and Support tool. Members – EMOs and Businesses – are notified of your activation and request and are able to respond directly to you with potential support. All of this documented and tracked in your profile dashboard.

Learning Platform
Access and promote current training, education, and event schedules.
Explore your options – dates, locations, live or virtual, contracted or public – we have it.
Post your training and learning opportunities to share with other members.