We are only prepared as our NETWORK of connections.

Local disasters require local resources.
Larger disasters need shared solutions.

 And YOU need to be able to ACCESS
them to respond with confidence!

EMO and Resource List Realities

An an emergency management organization (EMO), you're responsible for keeping your community's disaster response resource list current and relevant at all times - you get to decide how this happens.

To some it sounds simple, but in reality we know it's a big challenge.

It's hard enough to know what's available locally and beyond, and then you have to keep it current!

A repetitive nightmare given standard lists are static by nature, and a snapshot in time of what resources actually exist and who to contact.

Resource list
Corner of desk

Corner of your Desk & Limited Capacity Combo

This is made harder since most emergency management professionals, like yourself, deal with emergency preparedness off the corner of your desk, with this being just one of your many responsibilities.

Further, there is often limited staffing capacity to attend to the on-going requirement to check it the contact details you have remains current.

A Better Way

Now there is an easy and better way for you to do logistics and directly engage and select relevant businesses and organizations to your resource list by joining the EMLPlatform.

Imagine, a tool that can make the corner of your desk work for you AND help your job easier during an activation! This innovative approach to make resource lists dynamic, up-to-date, searchable, AND comprehensive?

This new reality happens when every EMLPlatform member keeps their profile detailed and current!

See the logistics tools in action
Corner of desk

Start Where You Are

"We don't even have a resource list!"
"There are gaps in our list, where do we even start?"
"I can't recall when our list was updated last."

Regardless of your situation, we can help you assess your situation, provide an action plan and customizable resources that will help grow your connections and selected list, and initiate reminders to your contacts to keep their details current.  

There's strength in numbers. We fully endorse and support regional efforts that can accelerate both the immediate benefit and outcomes.

Learn about the regional discounts

Grow Your List in Minutes

No list? No problem! We're actually ideally suited for this particular situation.

The EMLPlatform's growing Marketplace is an excellent network of targeted, experienced, and searchable businesses - regional to national in scope - that you can immediately tap into!

Our categories reflect logistics standards like equipment, services, facilities, personnel, vehicles, aviation, and supplies, plus over 80 sub-categories like accommodations, heavy equipment, drones, remediation, animal care, ATVs, lighting, porta-potties, catering, and PPE, to name a few.

I want to fill our resource gaps quickly
Resource list

Inviting Existing Contacts

We help you engage with your existing resource list contacts and provide them a basic FREE Resource Listing Profile that allows them to be "selected" by you on the platform.

When they say "YES" to staying on your list, they can begin receving quarterly reminder to update their information.

There's no pressure for them to go beyond this if they only want to be viewed by you.

Book a meeting to share with your team

Deepen Local Connections

Local businesses and groups have resources you need, and want to help your community when the next disaster happens.

We guide you through a community engagement process to grow this aspect of your resource list.

We created the LOCAL Business and Community listing options to help small businesses and commuity organizations, agencies and associations better connect with their local EMOs.

Book a Demo

Importance of Staying Current

EMOs need their list to be current at all times, but you don't have the staff time to stay on top of that requirement.

This is a key driver in our list management service.

ALL EMLPlatform members receive regular reminders to stay up-to-date and new additions to the directory. 

You have 24/7 access to your profile and the ability to make changes anytime to ensure you can be contacted when needed.

I want to have a current resource list

A Vision for Improving Disaster Response

“In Alberta, local jurisdictions are primarily responsible for local disasters. 

Having access to local resources is critical for early response and the EMLPlatform is an innovation that can improve local capacity and resilience."

Stephen LacroixStephen LacroixAssistant Deputy Minister, Alberta Emergency Management Agency

“Emergency management requires community support, continuous improvement, and planning upgrades to keep pace with changing cultures, environments, technologies, and public needs. 

EMLCanada could easily be the most powerful tool in our emergency preparedness, response, and recovery toolkit that will undoubtedly revolutionize the way that we – and other EMOs – source and procure emergency resources.”

Dave BrandDave BrandRed Deer County Director of Community Services, Protective Services & Emergency Management

“We are excited to support this strengthening relationships between local emergency management organizations and businesses will result in better preparation, response, and recovery. 

Local businesses want to lend a hand when our communities are in need – this is an easy and effective way to build bridges.”

Scott RobinsonScott RobinsonChief Executive Officer, Red Deer and District Chamber of Commerce

Harness the power of the EMLPlatform

More than a directory, it’s a space for promotion, connection, and innovative resource list management. Unlimited keywords and specialities increase your search results. 


Custom tools and targeted approach

EMOs can search and filter the Marketplace features and use custom logistics tools to find you. Direct exposure and access to buyers not only in your region, but other markets.

Strategically designed with EMOs in mind

Categories align with established emergency response protocols. Access 24/7 to update your profile - members receive regular reminders EMOs have access to current information, always.

Organizations Embracing a New Approach